About A Photo Tutor


I am a freelance photographer and lecturer based in London. With nearly twenty years of experience in photography I started the blog to share my knowledge with anyone who enjoys lens-based media. I have an M.A. in photography from Falmouth College of Art and a postgraduate qualification in teaching. I worked as an assistant in the early nineties for amongst others, Terry O'Neill, Richard Croft, and Anthony Crickmay. Within a few years I was working for editorial and design group clients working on portraits including book covers for Harper Collins and Penguin Books

After many years of industry experience I followed another ambition of teaching photography. The PGCE (Post Graduate Certificate in Education) is a demanding qualification designed to ensure that lecturers/teachers enable learners to achieve their potential. It is a privilege to help future photographers’ accomplish their aspirations. 

To improve it is vital to look at pictures and make as many photographs as your enthusiasm will allow.

Take risks and keep learning.

I dedicate the blog entirely to my brother Simon. 

Nicholas Brewer


Lambeth wide-open studios 2010
LWO 2010 is an exciting open studio event, showcasing the unique talents of artists working in Lambeth. Led by a group of local studios, LWO was set up as a "not for profit" organization in 2009 and now delivers a platform for artists in the borough to market their work to new audiences and to build Lambeth's brand as a creative and cultural destination.