Thursday 6 October 2011

What do you learn on a photography course?

Nicholas Brewer

It depends on which course you are on and how hungry you are for success. Learning the subject in a structured environment helps to ensure experience is gained with traditional methods of photography. The array of technical skills needed for learners to take good pictures needs time and patience. In addition college is a fun stimulating place that develops life skills and often provides a suitable pit stop from school to industry. Others feel that a college course is a waste of time and that you could learn what you need going straight to work. While true the lack of skills and jobs are the biggest challenge to over come. Assisting jobs have changed and they now demand a high level of digital skills. College provides the opportunity to get some work together and have a laugh doing it with new mates.
I have finished my final day of teaching this week and I am thinking about ideas for Tuesday. The students have had a good variety of photography and have definitely learnt useful advancements. It is a buzz teaching and gets the adrenalin going. While hard work and quite nerve racking at times, it is without doubt thrilling.
We had a look at some photomontages yesterday and I have included a few below for you to have a look at. The ghost sign above for Gibberd's Boots was taken on Tuesday and I am grateful to Raf who allowed me to take the picture from his office.
Thanks for reading
Peter Kennard

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